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Love Spells: To cast or not to cast! That is the question!


Updated: Jul 18, 2019

Before moving on, please note that the views and opinions shared herein are my own! Clearly my views have been influenced based on a number of factors such as my own life experience, interaction with like and non-like minded spiritualists, what was learned from elders, and my experience with magic.

Love is a natural emotion which exists in all human being. The extent to which we experience that emotion and share it with someone else will vary. After all, we are social creatures and it is normal for us to feel that need for emotional attachment in one form or another. For the purposes of this blog, I will be discussing romantic love and attraction.

When should you consider a love spell? For starters there is no "one-size-fits-all" love spell. Love spells need to fit your circumstances and they usually fall under the categories of attraction (emotional and sexual), binding, sweetening, and reconciliation. In some circumstances you might need a combination of all of the aforementioned categories.

Love Spell Categories

In order for these spells to be highly effective, the ideal preconditions should exist:

1) If it is to enhance a relationship, then minimal conflict should exist and there should be a strong emotional bond between partners. If you feel that something strange is happening in the relationship, which then might lead to a rift, you may want to take a preemptive approach and work on enhancing what you have instead of waiting for something else to occur at which point you would be doing damage control.

2) If it is for reconciliation, it is understood that conflict already exists but it shouldn't be violent or abusive in nature. Moreover, if the cause of the rift is supernatural, you will require more than just reconciliation spell work. The most crucial element is the existence of feelings of attachment between both partners. If love is completely dead in one of the partner's heart, then the issue is moot. You might be able to sustain a friendship at best. You can go the way of controlling/domination spells but the drawback is that you do not end up with something that is not genuine but rather artificial.

“Return to Me” are also part of the reconciliation spell family. These spells work best when the break up occurred recently or you broke up but still keep in touch. These spells are not as effective when the break up occurred for over a year or more. That is not to say that the spell won’t work! But the challenges are high as the object of your affection may have moved on, completely recovered and no longer has feelings for you and/or may be involved in another relationship. It is also not realistic to cast a return to me spell for someone whom you broke up with over a decade unless you maintained an amicable rapport.

3) Love attraction spells can also fall under the enhancement category for established relationships if you want to spice things up. However, love attraction spells are designed to either attract new love in your life or attract a particular person towards you. In the case of the latter, it is best for the target in question to have some sort of feeling towards you or at the very least know who you are and work or live near you. Word to the wise, it is difficult to force someone to fall in love with you. These spells work best when the potential for love exists and just needs a push!

Under the attraction category, you also have pure sexual attraction spells. This then becomes a lust spell more than anything else. These types of spells are best suited for those who do not want to commit to any particular relationship.

4) Binding - Love binding spells are tricky! They work best in healthy relationships that you want to protect. If you are in a rocky relationship, then these spells can "spell" trouble. For example, if you are both unhappy and have unresolved issues but you decide on having a love binding spell cast on your behalf, you might find yourself stuck in a bad relationship, unable to break up and miserable. These spells are also used to keep a loved one faithful. But if you must cast a spell for the last reason, you then need to ask yourself if this is a worthwhile relationship!

If your lover has cheated on you, you may want to cast a reconciliation in combination with a binding spell. This is just one tool on your road to recovery.

When should you cast?

No matter what the scenario may be, you must carefully consider the potential outcomes and ramifications of having such spells cast on your behalf. I am not here to pass judgement on anyone's motives. But sometimes the universe itself might decide that someone is right or not right for you. And not every circumstance requires spell work. The bottom rule of thumb is this. You should cast when the "potential" exists. You cannot for example expect someone with whom you never had a dialogue with to just "fall in love" with you after you cast a spell but I am not denying that love at first site doesn't occur either! However, it can happen if you are friends or colleagues with some sort of interaction between one another.

If you cast a spell to find love, that's a different story. These spells are designed to help manifest the right person in your life. The rest is up to you once that person shows up. In other words don't "f" it up and blame the spell if your game is not up to par!

If you do decide to go the route of magic for love, be honest with yourself and the spell-caster about your situation and try to not to be selfish as well. And even if spell work is performed, it will require an effort on your part. Sure, an attraction spell can help make you more appealing, but it can't make you dress better, groom yourself, or make you have good oral hygiene. You must help the spell help you!

Last but not least, don't wait until the last minute if you decide to cast a spell if the situation is urgent. Once you are about to sign those divorce papers for example, it becomes much more challenging for a spell to fix that kind of mess. Of course you can cast other spells to delay the process, such as a justice spell, but then it morphs into double the work and triple the cost.



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