Blessings! This video is about the Group Money Magnet Casting spell which was done on September 16, 2020 under the auspices of Papa Ogou. Wishing all who participated luck and prosperity. Be sure to explore the other services offered on Bossou's Lair!
Ogou Fer is a warrior spirit also patron for all those who work iron or in the iron industry. He is part of the Nago Nachon (nation) and Yoruba in origin. He is part of a family that have many Ogous such as Balendjo, Badagris, Ossanje, Panama, St-Jacques Majeur and more. Ogou's worship and service is widespread among many African Traditional Religions throughout the Caribbean and South America. His egregor has been adapted accordingly based on where the African slaves were taken and the historical and social context of the island or region they were forced to adopt as their new home.
Thanks for the feedback melcowley28. For those who are interested, she obtain results with charged money drawing candle. It can be found at the following link:
With the candle work you did I have been getting over time and some luck on scratchers I am very grateful for the work you have done and am happy it is comes in a positive way.