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"But you said...." Explaining my psychic readings


Updated: Apr 3, 2019

Nothing can be more specific, and at times nuanced, than a psychic reading. But before moving on, let's be clear! I've rarely had a client that requested a reading unless they have a problem or concern. And all psychics (real and fake) know this. The fake ones will ask a number of probing questions until you provide them with the information instead of the other way around! I will ask you questions but only to more effectively interpret what I see. For example, I see that you are in a serious legal problem and I mention it! But the card reading will not give me your court docket number and the exact details of your case. So if a serious legal matter shows up, I can ask questions about that! These details are also very useful if spell work is required.

I also use the term "psychic" because this is the term people are most familiar with! I prefer spiritual reading.

As I mentioned in my Frequently Asked Question blog, I use a regular deck of cards. My spirits then inspire me on what to say once I flip the cards. Without their help, it's just a regular deck of cards. It is a gift and unlike tarot readings, you can't learn this from someone else. I conduct most of my readings over the phone, and sometimes, by email. I'm not too crazy about email or text readings because the psychic connection with person is strongest when it is in person or over the phone. In person is best! If you request a reading for a third party, it is still best to conduct the reading over the phone or in person. You then serve as a bridge between me and the individual you are getting a reading for.

Are all psychics the same? - Nope. Just as medical physicians can specialize in specific disciplines , some psychics can utilize different approaches to conduct consultations. I have an elder who did readings using a candle and a glass of water. Another elder could see things in a mirror! We all have different gifts. Sometimes things come to me without even lifting the next card flop when spirits have a very strong message they wish to convey.

Do I provide mini readings - Often, people ask me if I provide mini consultations or "Yes" or "No" types of readings. And the answer is, no I don't. The readings I conduct provide you with the most important information that you should be aware of at the time the reading is being conducted. If you focus while I am doing the consultation, you will most likely get an answer to your most burning question but sometimes in the most unexpected way. For example, your lover left you and you think that it is because he/she is cheating on you while in reality, the reading says you are a hot head and out of control when angry! Or business is not going your way and the reason is because you have not been paying attention to your ancestors! In other words, don't come to me, or any other psychic, only to be disappointed if you do not hear what you want to hear!

Let the reading take its' course - I had a client once who was just simply pissed off about the reading because she wanted to know if she should marry her fiancee or not. In the beginning, the reading revealed a number of things not directly related to her question, but that had a significant impact in other areas of her relationship with her fiancee. Pushing the reading further, the cards revealed that she had some serious spiritual matters to handle first before getting that stability in her relationship. She would hear none of it and cut the reading short. Had she allowed the reading to proceed, she would have been in a better position to make an informed decision and could have taken action to mitigate the other factors that could impact her relationship and delay or completely prevent marriage.

But you said.... - But I said one thing in a reading and a month later I say something else! Well yes! Readings are not always predictions that are written in stone. The future is in constant motion. If you do not change your behavior or course of action, what is see in the reading is what will happen. If you change behavior and are proactive about a situation, you can influence and shape your future and the next reading's perspective can change! However, there are things in a reading that are absolute and will not change. When that is the case, the very same prediction can continue to pop-up in future readings.

But another psychic told me..... - First and foremost, what another psychic tells you is irrelevant to me. What matters is what I see in the current reading. I do not second guess my readings and I do not "fluff" things up like other readers but I do try to find the right words to explain what I see. For example, if I notice that your ex is just not coming back in the reading and there is nothing that can be done about it, I'll tell you straight up! Why waste money on spell work that will have little chance at success or no chance at all? Some psychics sell you dreams and tell you the things YOU WANT TO HEAR like "you are twin souls" or "you were destined to be with each other" etc etc... and they do this to either sell you a spell or keep you coming back for readings without resolving anything. I do not sell you dreams, I only provide you with strong possibilities.

Incidentally, nothing prevents you from getting a second opinion. But what many won't tell you is that there are actual dangers when you bounce around between spiritual workers.

How come you didn't mention this or that in the reading - I have no control on how the cards play out. If the universe wants me to focus on a particular issue, then that is what will manifest in the reading. If you want specific information for someone that popped up in your reading, then you have to order a separate reading for that individual.

Got my reading, what's next? - What's next is up to you. One thing is certain, do nothing and what is predicted, good or bad, will occur. On that note, what I usually predict occurs within a one year time frame. I do not do readings projecting 5 years into the future! As an adviser, I will recommend one of three things, or sometimes all approaches. Either you change behavior/attitude in a given circumstance, change your perspective on a matter, and/or do some spell work to effectuate change. You see not all of my clients automatically get a "spell" recommendation. And sometimes my clients just ask for it.

Finally, don't become a slave to psychic readings. Sure you can get readings regularly, just as you would visit your doctor or dentist twice a year. But remember that you have free will and that there are certain things in your life that you can control. What you cannot control, leave up to God/Goddess, spirits, your ancestors and some good old fashion magic spell work!



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